Remote Control
Remote Control
3.1 Introduction
The instrument is equipped with a serial interface (RS 232-C). The connector is located at the rear of
the instrument and permits to connect a controller for remote control. The instrument supports the SCPI
version 1992.0 (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments). The SCPI standard is based on
standard IEEE 488.2 and aims at the standardization of device-specific commands, error handling and
the status registers (see Section 3.5.1).
This section assumes basic knowledge of SCPI conform programming and operation of the controller. A
description of the interface commands is to be obtained from the relevant manuals.
The requirements of the SCPI standard placed on command syntax, error handling and configuration of
the status registers are explained in detail in the respective sections. Tables provide a fast overview of
the commands implemented in the instrument and the bit assignment in the status registers. The tables
are supplemented by a comprehensive description of every command and the status registers.
Brief Instructions
The short and simple operating sequence given below permits fast putting into operation of the
instrument and setting of its basic functions.
1. Connect CTS and controller using a serial cable (see section 3.1 and annex A).
2. Use a terminal emulation on the controller with the same paramters, as configured on the CTS.
For example 9600 baud, no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit and hardware-handshake.
The character strings must be terminated by a delimiter (linefeed).
3. Send the following strings to the CTS:
Choose Manual test
The CTS then performs a location update if a mobile is connected and is ready to set up a call with this
4. To return to manual control, press any key at the front panel.