Application CTSgo
7.7.4 BER / FER
This dialog permits to define the upper limit for the bit error rate (BER) and frame error rate (FER)
measurements. Note that the entry is made in parts per million (ppm). The entered values are set by
pressing OK. If the newly entered tolerance values should not be set, terminate the dialog with Cancel.
Set limits are indicated in the second and third column of the measurement report. Refer to the report
section shown below.
The bit error rate is measured in loop mode of the fixed part or portable part. Sent and received bits
are compared with each other. If more than 25% of the bits of a frame are faulty, this frame is declared
to be invalid. These invalid frames are taken into account in the Frame Error Rate and not in the BER.
Fig.: Limits BER / FER dialog window
Fig.: Extract from the BER / FER measurement report