Application CTSgo
16 Problems, Questions and Solutions
16.1 Components Missing Signaled upon Program Startup
In addition to executable EXE files, the program contains runtime libraries (“DLLs“) which are loaded
upon program start. These runtime libraries are first searched for in the specified current directory of
CTSgo and then, if required, in the Windows system directory. Check whether the files specified in
section Software Components are available in your PC. If necessary, install the CTSgo software
16.2 Serial Interface Cannot be Opened
The serial interface specified in your configuration is opened when CTSgo is started. This interface
must not be used for other programs or the mouse.
16.3 CTS Cannot be Remote-Controlled
Compare settings of CTSgo and CTS. Check whether the employed cable meets the specified
16.4 Program Signals Timeout
When setting the remote-control interface you can specify how long the CTSgo program is to wait for a
message from the CTS before it signals a timeout. with long measurements, eg a BER measurement
with a large number of frames, this waiting period may have to be extended.
16.5 Serial Data Transmission Impaired by Mouse Movements
Problems may occur when the serial mouse is connected for instance to COM1 and CTSgo operated
via serial interface COM3. PCs often use the same hardware interrupt for COM1 and COM3 or COM2
and COM4. Interactions between these two interfaces cannot be excluded in this case. Check the
constellation of your PC with the aid of the Windows system control. Refer to the Windows manual for
more detailed information on the responsible device manager.
Abb.: Timeout warning