Application CTSgo
column four. This may happen when synchronization is lost during the measurement. Information on
used slot), employed channel and the channel offset or the associated test set are indicated in the first
column instead of the modified parameters. This additional information is written in italics.
You can include a simple echo test in the measurement, the result of which is indicated below.
9.3 Summary of Measurements in the Measurement Report
A summary of test results is given on the last page of each measurement report together with the
number of passed or failed tests. The total measurement time including the waiting times for operator
actions is also specified. Any loss of synchronization is also indicated here together with the name of
the measurement in which the loss occurred.
9.4 Appendix to Measurement Report
Fig.: Output of echo test in the measurement report
Fig.: Summary of measurements in the measurement report
Fig.: Appendix to measurement report: power ramp