Application CTSgo
Entered values are set by pressing OK. If the entered limit values should not be set, terminate the
dialog with Cancel.
Set limits are indicated in the second and third column of the measurement report. This can be seen in
the following extract from a measurement report.
Since power ramp tolerance evaluation is performed according to GSM specifications, the values
cannot be changed by CTSgo. The finding of CTS is transferred to the PC as a Passed or Failed
7.6.3 BER Measurements
This command opens the Limits BER dialog window where the tolerances for the bit error rate (BER)
are set. BER measurements are receiver measurements in which bits from a random generator sent
by the CTS are received by the mobile, demodulated and looped back at the RF. The CTS compares
the received bit sequence with the sent one. The bit sequence is channel-coded to GSM, ie the bits are
assigned to different classes.
Power class GSM 1900
maximum output power
30 dBm
24 dBm
33 dBm
Fig.: Limits Average Power dialog window GSM1800/GSM1900
Fig.: Extract from measurement report: Average power / power ramp