List of Commands/Annex C
1094.0006.30 C.2
DCS1800 (GSM1800)
If DCS1800 is the desired network type, the switch over must be made by means of
CONFigure:NETWork DCS1800 before changing the configuration set-up. After the switch over, all
commands act on the DCS1800 data set, without switch over the GSM data set is used.
DCS1900 (GSM1900)
If DCS1900 is the desired network type, switchover using CONFigure:NETWork DCS1900 must be
made prior to changing the configuration set-up.
GSM850 (GSM850)
If GSM850 is the desired network type, switchover using CONFigure:NETWork GSM850 must be made
prior to changing the configuration set-up.
<numeric_value> denotes a numeric value; MAXimum or MINimum can be indicated as well unless
stated otherwise.
If <numeric_value> may contain a unit, indicating the unit is optional. The value is always returned
without a unit.
Some commands allow ON and OFF instead of a value (for activating or deactivating the associated
parameter). Specification of a value (numeric_value) implies a transition to ON. If OFF is set at the time
of a query, OFF will be returned instead of the value.
<value> denotes a character from a list; only list entries are permissible.
All commands are structured analogously to the SCPI description, i.e. the upper-case letters indicate the
short form of the command; the CTS only accepts this short form as an abbreviation (according to
SCPI), otherwise the long form is to be used.
Commands encapulated in square brackets, [:COMMand ], are optional words that do not have to be
Error Recovery
If no value is existing with queries or the value is invalid, NAN is returned instead of the value. An
overflow of the value is indicated by INF, a missing input signal by means of NINF.
If the CTS is not in the right state to be able to carry out the command, SCPI error -221, "Settings
conflict" is generated. No value is returned in the case of queries.
The permissible state is indicated in the following table in the column "state".
If, however, an option to execute a command is missing, SCPI error -241, "Hardware missing" is
displayed. No result is returned either in the case of a query.
The option necessary to execute the command is entered in the tables under "option".
RESET Values
Unless otherwise specified, the values given in the column "Default:", are the factory default values of
the CTS.