RVF 327, 327 S, 330, 330 S
ex no. 1200
In general
page 12 of 144
Version 1.5
Warning indications and symbols
In the operating instructions symbols are used for the emphasis on important descriptions.
You are on the preceding sheet in chapter 1.3 Symbols - Comments. These characterized
texts are to ensure safety of the personnel and machinery, and particularly important for
trouble-free functioning of the Vacuum filling machine!
Fundamentals for usage as directed"
The Vacuum filling machine is according to the built according to the developments of the
technology and the recognized technical safety regulations. Nevertheless, its usage could
lead to the danger of bodily injury to the operator, or to a third party. Also negative effects on
the Vacuum filling machine or to other items of value could arise. Dangers could emerge
from the Vacuum filling machine, if it’s:
Operated with untrained personnel
Improperly operated or
Put to use in ways that were not intended for!
The Vacuum filling machine is only to be used in technically perfect working con-
dition, and as directed, with a priority on safety and the danger potential in ob-
servance of the operation manual Particularly malfunctions, which could interfere
with safety need to be remedied immediately, and reported to the responsible
The Vacuum filling machine is intended exclusively for filling, portioning, and twisting of the
filling material, and also in frozen condition, however nothing colder than 4°C. Another one,
or a usage from this point onward, like for example, a filling material colder than 4°C or for
products which contain solid material or extremely tough material, such as bones and ten-
dons are not intended for usage. The manufacturer is not liable for damages resulting from
such usage, and therefore, the user alone bears all responsibility.
Organizational Measures
The operation manual must constantly remain at hand within the immediate vicinity of the
Vacuum filling machine working area.
As a supplement to the operation manual, the knowledge of general legal, and otherwise
binding rules for accident prevention and environmental protection should be given (e.g. rel-
evant information of the appropriate professional trade association.).
Operational instruction notes should be supplemented in chapter 8.3 Notes, in order to, for
example, to have instructions regarding the organization of operational sequences, employed
personnel and the documentation of maintenance work carried out. Documents of notification
duties concerning the Vacuum filling machines or events are to be included in the instruction