R01UH0823EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 1196 of 1823
Jul 31, 2019
RX23W Group
36. CAN Module (RSCAN)
RTBO Bit (Forcible Return from Bus-off)
Setting this bit to 1 (forcible return from the bus off state) in the bus off state forcibly returns the state from the bus off
state to the error active state. This bit is automatically set to 0. Setting this bit to 1 sets the STSH.TEC[7:0] and
STSH.REC[7:0] flags to 00h and also sets the STSL.BOSTS flag to 0 (not in bus off state).The other registers remain
unchanged. No bus off recovery interrupt request due to return from the bus off state is generated. Use this bit only when
the CTRH.BOM[1:0] bits are 00b (ISO 11898-1 compliant).
A delay of up to 1 CAN bit time occurs after the RTBO bit is set to 1 until the CAN module transitions to the error active
state. Set this bit to 1 in channel communication mode.
BEIE Bit (Protocol Error Interrupt Enable)
When the ERFLL.BEF flag becomes 1 while the BEIE bit is 1, an error interrupt request is generated. Modify this bit
only in channel reset mode.
EWIE Bit (Error Warning Interrupt Enable)
When the ERFLL.EWF flag becomes 1 while the EWIE bit is 1, an error interrupt request is generated. Modify this bit
only in channel reset mode.
EPIE Bit (Error Passive Interrupt Enable)
When the ERFLL.EPF flag becomes 1 while the EPIE bit is 1, an error interrupt request is generated. Modify this bit
only in channel reset mode.
BOEIE Bit (Bus Off Entry Interrupt Enable)
When the ERFLL.BOEF flag becomes 1 while the BOEIE bit is 1, an error interrupt request is generated. Modify this bit
only in channel reset mode.
BORIE Bit (Bus Off Recovery Interrupt Enable)
When the ERFLL.BORF flag becomes 1 while the BORIE bit is 1, an error interrupt request is generated. Modify this bit
only in channel reset mode.
OLIE Bit (Overload Frame Transmit Interrupt Enable)
When the ERFLL.OVLF flag becomes 1 while the OLIE bit is 1, an error interrupt request is generated. Modify this bit
only in channel reset mode.
BLIE Bit (Bus Lock Interrupt Enable)
When the ERFLL.BLF flag becomes 1 while the BLIE bit is 1, an error interrupt request is generated. Modify this bit
only in channel reset mode.
ALIE Bit (Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable)
When the ERFLL.ALF flag becomes 1 while the ALIE bit is 1, an error interrupt request is generated. Modify this bit
only in channel reset mode.