R01UH0823EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 640 of 1823
Jul 31, 2019
RX23W Group
24. Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)
Port Output Enable 2 (POE2a)
The port output enable 2 (POE) module can be used to place the states of the pins for complementary PWM output by the
MTU (MTIOC3B, MTIOC3D, MTIOC4A, MTIOC4B, MTIOC4C, and MTIOC4D), and the states of pins for MTU0
(MTIOC0A, MTIOC0B, and MTIOC0C) in the high-impedance in response to changes in the input levels on the POE0#,
POE1#, POE3# and POE8# pins, in the output levels on pins for complementary PWM output by the MTU, oscillation
stop detection by the clock generation circuit, and changes to register settings (SPOER) or event signal input from the
event link controller (ELC).
It can also generate simultaneous interrupt requests.
In this section, “PCLK” is used to refer to PCLKB.
lists the specifications of the POE, and
shows a block diagram of the POE.
The POE has input-level detection circuits, output-level comparison circuits, an input for the oscillation stop detection
signal from the clock generation circuit, and a high-impedance request/interrupt request generating circuit as shown in
Table 24.1
POE Specifications
High-impedance is controlled by
the input level detection
Falling-edge detection or sampling of the low level 16 times at PCLK/8, PCLK/16, or PCLK/128
clock cycles can be set for each of the POE0#, POE1#, POE3# and POE8# input pins.
Pins for complementary PWM output from the MTU can be placed in the high-impedance on
detection of falling edges or sampling of the low level on the POE0# to POE3# pins.
Pins for output from MTU0 can be placed in the high-impedance on detection of falling edges or
sampling of the low level on the POE8# pin.
High-impedance is controlled by
the output level comparison
Levels output on pins for complementary PWM output from the MTU are compared, and when
simultaneous output of the active level continues for one or more clock cycles, the pins can be
placed in the high-impedance.
High-impedance is controlled by
the oscillation stop detection
Pins for complementary PWM output from the MTU and output pins for MTU0 can be placed in
the high-impedance when oscillation by the clock generation circuit stops.
High-impedance is controlled by
software (registers)
Pins for complementary PWM output from the MTU and output pins for MTU0 can be placed in
the high-impedance by modifying settings of POE registers.
High-impedance is controlled by
the event signal
Pins for complementary PWM output from the MTU and output pins for MTU0 can be placed in
the high-impedance in response to an event signal from the event link controller (ELC).
Interrupts can be generated in response to the results of POE0#, POE1#, POE3# and POE8#
input-level detection and MTU complementary PWM output-level comparison.