Chapter 6. Migrating from Previous Versions
The migration script is silent, meaning that there are no prompts and the user is not required
to enter any information or approve any step in the process. After it runs, the Directory Server
information and settings have been moved, intact, from the old Directory Server instance to the
new one.
For an in-place upgrade for 8.0 systems, re-run the setup script,
, to update
the Directory Server and Administration Server configuration.
6.2. Migrating 7.1 Servers
Red Hat Directory Server 7.1 servers are
to a new Directory Server 8.1 instance. This uses a
special script which carries over the user and configuration data to the new instance.
The migration scenario differs depending on the type of Directory Server 7.1 configuration. It is
possible to migrate a single Directory Server instance, all Directory Server instances on a machine or
replicated servers and to migrate the Directory Server to a different machine, or to a different platform.
The migration script has different options available to facilitate migration; the different usage scenarios
are explained in the following sections.
Section 6.2.3, “Migrating a Server or Single Instance”
Section 6.2.4, “Migrating Replicated Servers”
Section 6.2.5, “Migrating a Directory Server from One Machine to Another”
Section 6.2.6, “Migrating a Directory Server from One Platform to Another”
If Directory Server databases have been moved from their default location (
migration will not copy these databases,
but will use the directly
. This means that if you run migration, you may not be able to go
back to the old version. Migration will
remove or destroy the data, but may change
the format in such a way that you cannot use the older version of the Directory Server.
Therefore, make a database backup using
and an LDIF dump using
the databases to make sure everything can be recovered.
The most common reason for using a non-default database location is the performance
for large databases. For example, if a Directory Server instance has several gigabytes
of data, the index files and transaction logs can be moved to a separate disk device to
improve the Directory Server performance, especially if there are high update rates. In
this case, migration will not attempt to move the databases to the new default location,
, but will instead assume that the
databases should be in their non-standard location and configure the new server to use
the databases in the old location.
This issue does not occur in cross-platform migrations or migrating using LDIF files
instead of the binary databases because these already work with an LDIF copy of the