Chapter 7. General Usage Information
7.5. Starting and Stopping Servers
7.5.1. Starting and Stopping Directory Server
There are two ways to start, stop, or restart the Directory Server:
• There are scripts in the instance directories. For example:
• The Directory Server service can also be stopped and started using system tools on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit). For example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit) uses the
service dirsrv {start|stop|restart}
The Directory Server instance name can be specific in both the
system scripts. If an instance name is not given, the start or stop operation applies to all instances on
the machine.
7.5.2. Starting and Stopping Administration Server
There are two ways to start, stop, or restart the Administration Server:
• There are scripts in the
• The Administration Server service can also be stopped and started using system tools on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux. For example:
service dirsrv-admin {start|stop|restart}
7.6. Resetting the Directory Manager Password
Passwords are stored in the Directory Server databases and can be modified with tools like
and through the Directory Server Console. The Directory Manager password is stored in
the Directory Server configuration files and can be viewed (if lost) and modified by editing that file. To
check or reset the Directory Manager password, do the following:
1. Stop the Directory Server. If the Directory Server is not stopped when the configuration files are
edited, the changes are not applied.
service dirsrv stop
2. Generate a new, hashed password using
. On Linux, the tool is in the
directory; on HP-UX, it is in the
directory. For example: