Silent Setup for Directory Server and Administration Server
5.5.1. Silent Setup for Directory Server and Administration Server
Silent setup is useful at sites where many server instances must be created, especially for heavily
replicated sites that will create a large number of consumer servers. Silent setup uses the same
scripts that are used to create instances of Directory Server and Administration Server, with a special
option signaling that the script is to be run silently. Silent mode requires referencing a setup parameter
file (
-s -f setup.inf
) or setting Directory Server parameters on the command line.
To run a silent setup of both the Directory Server and Administration Server, do the following:
1. Install the Directory Server packages.
2. Make the setup
file. It must specify the following directives:
FullMachineName= dir.example.com
SuiteSpotUserID= nobody
SuiteSpotGroup= nobody
AdminDomain= example.com
ConfigDirectoryAdminID= admin
ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd= admin
ConfigDirectoryLdapURL= ldap://dir.example.com:389/o=NetscapeRoot
SlapdConfigForMC= Yes
UseExistingMC= 0
ServerPort= 389
ServerIdentifier= dir
Suffix= dc=example,dc=com
RootDN= cn=Directory Manager
RootDNPwd= secret
AddSampleEntries= No
Port= 9830
ServerAdminID= admin
ServerAdminPwd= admin
There are three sections of directives in the
file to create the default Directory and
Administration Servers:
, and
. Creating an additional instance, or
installing a single instance of Directory Server using
, only requires two sections,
This parameters correspond to the information supplied during a typical setup. The
directives are described more in
Section, “.inf File Directives”
3. Run the
script with the
/usr/sbin/setup-ds-admin.pl -s -f /export/ds-inf/setup.inf
installs both the Directory Server instance and the Administration
Server instance. This means that the setup file must specify parameters for both the Directory
Server and the Administration Server.
runs the script in silent mode, and
-f /export/ds-
specifies the setup file to use.