Installing the Directory Server Packages
may install or require additional packages if dependencies are missing or out-of-
Alternatively, download the latest packages from the
Red Hat Directory Server 8.1
channel on
Red Hat Network,
It is also possible to install the Directory Server packages from media:
a. Download the packages from Red Hat Network, and burn them to CD or DVD.
b. Insert the media; the system should automatically recognize and mount the disc.
c. There is no
feature with the Directory Server packages, so open the directory on the
disc containing the Directory Server packages. For example:
cd /media/cdrecorder/RedHat/RPMS/
d. Install everything in the directory using
ls *.rpm | egrep -iv -e devel -e debuginfo | xargs rpm -ivh
2. After the Directory Server packages are installed, run the
script to set up
and configure the default Directory Server instance and the Administration Server.
This script allows parameters to be passed with it or to specify configuration files to use. The
options are described more in
Section 1.3, “About the setup-ds-admin.pl Script”
3. Accept the licensing agreement.
4. On the next screen, review the
output. If there are any issues that you should address,
exit the
program, and resolve them. Otherwise, accept the output.
5. Select the setup type, and proceed with configuring the new Directory Server instance.
Section 3.3, “Express Setup”
Section 3.4, “Typical Setup”
Section 3.5, “Custom Setup”
Directory Server version 8.1 conforms to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standards. This
means that the directories and files are in different locations than previous versions. For
more information on FHS, see the
homepage. For a table
showing the new file locations, see
Section 7.1, “Directory Server File Locations”