RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot Browser
Industrial Hotspot
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 59 of 99
April 10, 2007
5.3.6 Freeze
Use this command to temporarily stop the display from updating. This command
is useful for studying network topology and performance without the distraction of
radios and other devices appearing and disappearing from the screen.
5.3.7 Print
Use this command to print the contents of the RadioLinx IH Browser window.
Depending on the view you selected, you can print either a list of the radios'
properties, or a topology view.
5.3.8 Print
Displays a preview of the contents of the RadioLinx IH Browser window. You can
use this to adjust the placement of elements so that they do not span page
5.3.9 Print
Displays the standard Window Print Setup dialog box.
5.3.10 Exit
Closes RadioLinx IH Browser.
AP Operations Menu
The following commands are available on the AP Operations Menu:
(page 60)
Assign IP
(page 13, page 60)
Update Firmware
(page 61)