Each password can be changed or disabled via additional menu items that
are displayed once Passwords have been enabled.
Printer Set-up Menu
The TCP autoloader will automatically detect all supported USB Disc
printers. Other options in this menu are printer specific, or TrueNet
specific. Please refer to the TrueNet user manual for more information on
printing via TrueNet.
Network Set-up Menu
The TCP autoloader can be connected to an Ethernet network and be
controlled by TrueNet, a R-Quest application. TrueNet allows users to
start, monitor and/or stop duplication or printing jobs from their desktop PC/
Mac computers. For most users, the network connectivity will be ‘plug-
and-play’, and require no ‘set-up’. By default, the TCP autoloader will ship
from the factory with DHCP enabled, which means that the TCP autoloader
will automatically receive an IP address from a DHCP server on your local
network. However, if your network does not have a DHCP server, or you
need to use the TCP autoloader and TrueNet on different sub-nets, please
contact your network administrator for advice.
Setting this option to YES means that the TCP autoloader will automatically
acquire an IP address on your local area network (DHCP server required).
Setting this option to NO means that you will have to allocate a fixed IP
address and manually enter this in the Network Set-up (see Duplicator IP).
Set Network Name
To give the TCP a recognisable network name, select this option and enter
a user chosen name. By default the name will be “R-Quest xxxxx” where
“xxxxx” is the serial number of the TCP autoloader. When using TrueNet
software, this is the name that is see by TrueNet and used to identify which
TCP autoloader to send jobs to. When using multiple TCP autoloaders on
the same network, each system should have a unique name.
Duplicator IP (only when Use DHCP = NO)
Enter a fixed IP address for the TCP autoloader. This must be on the local
subnet. If you are unsure about what IP address to set, consult your
network administrator, or set Use DHCP=Yes. The IP address must
contain all 12 digits, including leading zeros, e.g. should be
entered as