QuercusVL Programming Manual
In C, the parameter “h” is a handler of ConfigurationDetector.
3.43. ConfigurationRedLightDetector class
Represents a red light detector of the configuration system. This class derives from
ConfigurationDetector; see 3.39. ConfigurationDetector Class.
3.43.1. Properties
Shows if calculation of speed and length of vehicles is enabled. If disabled, the unit will
not provide such values for the detector.
C++: bool get_CalculateMetrics ( )
int VL_ConfigurationRedLightDetector_get_CalculateMetrics( int h )
Returns the status of speed and length calculation.
In C, the parameter “h” is a handler of ConfigurationDetector.
C++: void put_CalculateMetrics ( bool value )
void VL_ConfigurationRedLightDetector_put_CalculateMetrics ( int h, int n )
True to enable speed and length calculation; false otherwise.
In C, the parameter “h” is a handler of ConfigurationDetector.
Distance from the unit to the detector; in milimeters.
C++: int get_Distance ( )
int VL_ConfigurationRedLightDetector_get_Distance( int h )
Returns the distance from the unit to the detector.
In C, the parameter “h” is a handler of ConfigurationDetector.
C++: void put_Distance ( int value )
void VL_ConfigurationRedLightDetector_put_Distance ( int h, int n )
Modifies the distance from the unit to the detector.
Quercus Technologies