QuercusVL Programming Manual
3.6.2. Methods
bool IsValid ( )
does not exist
Returns true if the object contains valid information about a unit, and false is the
information is not valid. Some functions, may sometimes return, void units. In C, this
behaviour is detected as its value will be “0”. In C++, however, this method is
necessary because the object, as it is not a pointer, would always be valid.
void Reboot ( )
void VL_Unit_Reboot ( int h )
Reboots the unit.
In C, the parameter “h” is a handler of unit (Unit).
bool GetSnapshot( int roiRight, int roiTop, int roiLeft, int roiBottom, int
exposureTime, bool zoom, int maxSize, unsigned char* pImageData, int *imageLen, int
*focus, int *numDetectors, int *detectors, int *numRedLights, int *redLights, int
*inputValues, int *outputValues);
int VL_Unit_GetSnapshot(int h, int roiRight, int roiTop, int roiLeft, int
roiBottom, int exposureTime, int zoom, int maxSize, unsigned char* pImageData, int*
imageLen, int *focus, int *numDetectors, int *detectors,int *numRedLights,int
*redLights,int *inputValues,int *outputValues)
Makes a snapshot of the unit. Returns a complete status report of detectors, virtual
traffic lights and digital inputs/outputs; as well as a live black and white snapshot JPEG
image of 0.3Mp (640 pixels wide and 480 pixels high).
Returns true if answered successfully, and false otherwise.
The image content and the
value (current digital focus coefficient) will vary
depending on the value of the input parameters:
Zoom to false, incorrect rectangle:
the image obtained corresponds to the entire
image captured by the unit. The focus value will not be calculated (-1).
Quercus Technologies