QuercusVL Programming Manual
Zoom to false, correct rectangle:
the image obtained corresponds to the entire
image captured by the unit. The focus value will be calculated from the rectangle in
the image.
Zoom to true, incorrect rectangle:
incorrect combination; returns false.
Zoom to true, correct rectangle:
the image obtained corresponds to a zoomed
zone of the captured image. The central position of the rectangle coincides with the
central position of the magnified area. The focus value will be calculated from the
enlarged area.
Input parameters:
int roiRight:
X value (horizontal axis) from right side of the rectangle; to not define
it, specify -1.
int roiTop:
Y value (vertical axis) from upper side of the rectangle; to not define it,
specify -1.
int roiLeft:
X value (horizontal axis) from left side of the rectangle; to not define it,
specify -1.
int roiBottom
: Y value (vertical axis) from bottom side of the rectangle; to not
define it, specify -1.
int exposureTime
: camera exposure time for the snapshot.
bool zoom
: indicates if the obtained image must be captured by the unit (false) or a
magnified one (true)
int ,maxSize:
sets the size of the pImageData buffer. This is a security parameter; if
the buffer size is not big enough, it will not be filled up and it will return false.
Output parameters:
unsigned char* pImageData:
pointer where the captured image will be stored. It will
have a maximum size of 524288 bytes.
int* imageLen:
size of the obtained image, in bytes.
int *focus
: calculated focus coefficient; -1 if not calculated.
int *numDetectors
: number of configured detectors.
int *detectors
: table with the status of the loops of each detectors; although the size of
it must be 15, only the first numDetectors positions will be written. The detectors will
be located following the same configuration order, and each position will detail the
status of the loops bitwise. The least significant bit corresponds to the first loop.
Possible values: 1 presence, 0 free.
int *numRedLights:
number of configured traffic lights.
int *redLights:
table with the status of each traffic light; although the size of it must be
Quercus Technologies