QuercusVL Programming Manual
defined detectors). The structure changes depending on the detector type.
Common parameters.
Id: detector identifier.
Type: detector type.
RED_LIGHT: red light detector.
STOPPED_CAR: stopped car detector.
AreIncidencesEnabled: indicates if incidences should be generated. 0, disabled; 1,
SendIncidences: indicates if incidences should be sent to the central system.
0, disabled; 1, enabled.
Coordinates: four vertices that define the position of the detector. The format is: P1_x,
P1_y, P2_x, P2_y, P3_x, P3_y, P4_x, P4_y. Their values must respect the limits of both
the X axis (0..639) and the Y axis (0..479).
TrafficLightId: identifier of the traffic light. When a signal is used (see next parameter
described), it contains the digital input identifier; if image detection of the traffic light
has been configured, this parameter will note its identifier.
RedInput: notes if a digital input will be used to obtain information of the traffic light
state. 0, image detection; 1, signal through a digital input.
Extra parameters in a red light detector:
IsVideoEnabled: enables/disables the generation of a video to each incidence. Possible
values: 1 enabled, 0 disabled. Only available in BirdWatch
RL Plus simulation. Note
that the generated video will not correspond to the simulated scene, but it will be a
copy of “VideoRedLight.avi” file or “VideoStoppedCar.avi” file, booth of them located in
Data/Simulator/Images of installation folder. Anyway, the file properties will be the
same as a video generated by a real BirdWatch
PreVideoTimeMs: sets the time that the start of the video recording must be advanced,
since the capture of the first picture of the incidence; in miliseconds. Only available in
RL Plus simulation.
PostVideoTimeMs: sets the time that the end of the video recording must be delayed,
since the capture of the third picture of the incidence; in miliseconds. Only available in
RL Plus simulation.
CalculateMetrics: enables the calculation of metrics. 0, disabled; 1, enabled.
Distance: horizontal distance between the unit and the detector; in millimetres.
Length: detector length; in millimetres.
Quercus Technologies