QuercusVL Programming Manual
Delay time: minimum time that must elapse between the activation of the red light and
the generation of an incidence for this to be considered valid.
AmberImput: sets which digital input must be used for amber signal. Possible values: 0
and 1; if amber signal will not be used (not essential for incidence generation), or a
previously configured traffic light will be used, set value to -1
LastPictureDelayTimeMs: last incidence picture capturing delay; in milliseconds.
Extra parameters in a stopped car detector:
MaxStopTime: maximum stop time allowed in the detector; in milliseconds. TrafficLight_X section
Traffic light description. X indicates the detector identifier (from 1 to the total amount of
defined traffic lights).
Id: traffic light identifier (unique among the identifiers of all the traffic lights installed)
NumLights: number of lights. LightX_Y section
Description of a light belonging to a defined traffic light. X indicates the traffic light identifier
and Y is the light identifier (from 1 to the total amount of defined lights). This sections is only
needed by BirdWatch
RL detectors.
Type: colour of the light.
RED: red.
GREEN: green.
AMBAR: amber.
OTHER: other color.
X: position of the light centre (horizontal axis); in pixels.
Y: position of the light centre (vertical axis); in pixels.
Radius: light radius; in pixels.
7.2. Simulation configuration
To prepare a simulation, a "virtual lane" must be created. This means creating a
representation of a lane where you can define all the events (vehicle movements, changes in
digital inputs and changes at the traffic light).
Simulated unit is focusing on four lanes from zenith position. The resulting image, 640 pixels
wide and 480 pixels long (like a real SmartLoop
TS unit) contains four identical lanes of 25
meter wide and 4.5 long. Vehicles always drive on the centre of the right lane but the driving
Quercus Technologies