QuercusVL Programming Manual
relative terms, where each event indicates how much time passed since the
previous event took place (the first one measures the time from the beginning of
the simulation). When the last event of the simulation is performed, the system
returns to the initial status. Take into account that the initial status of the
simulation (before the first event), implies a unit where the camera has an
empty image, the status of the components is correct and there are no active
input bits. If you want to change the status, simply establish in moment "0" all
events required to achieve the initial status required. When the simulation
reaches the last status, it will restart.
Event type: there are three possibilities:
Vehicle movement.
Change in a digital input.
Change in the traffic light state.
Event parameters: they will depend on the event type (see below).
7.2.1. Vehicle movement event
Several vehicles can be simulated. These are managed by a single identifier (integer value).
There are three types of vehicles available, each of them in two different models:
Each instruction refers to a position of a vehicle at a given time. Using two consecutive
positions of a vehicle, the simulator understands the movement. For example, if it indicates
that the vehicle 'v1' is at position 0 and after 3000 milliseconds is set to 2000, the simulator
assumes that between these instructions (3000 milliseconds) the vehicle has been moving at
constant speed from position 0 to position 2000. Instruction structure
Milliseconds that the simulator has to wait from the performance of an instruction to the
execution of the next one.
Vehicle type.
Car1: car, model 1.
Car2: car, model 2.
Van1: van, model 1.
Van2: van, model 2.
Truck1: truck, model 1.
Quercus Technologies