QuercusVL Programming Manual
1 (Bad format): the message was not correctly received (bcc failure, bytes
missing, etc.).
2 (Unknown error): the action that should trigger the message could not be
completed for unknown reasons. For example, a defective I/O card can
prevent an “Activate output” action, to be completed successfully.
3 (Bad parameters): a parameter of the message is incorrect. The index of
the incorrect parameter will be specified in the field “SubCode”.
4 (Can’t complete): the action could not be completed, for example, if the
system is busy when a new capture is queried, and the previous one hasn't
finished yet.
5 (Incorrect Unit Id): the unit's identifier indicated in the message, does not
correspond to the unit where the message was sent to.
6 (Incompatible version): the unit can not understand this version of
7 (Unsupported feature): action not supported, for example if you want to
enable the generation of incidences at a queue detector.
8 (Bad authorization): does not exist the authorization to process such
request. The library VL is shared among various
family products of Quercus
Technologies, so there are functions not enabled for certain products.
ErrorSubCode (ESC): additional information about the error produced.
When a detector setting query message (such as SetPresenceDetector) or
SetTrafficLight message returns a NAK message, this field will give the next
1: item with the same id already exists.
2: unknown error.
3: “id” variable is wrong.
4: “detector type” variable is wrong.
5: “summaries period” variable is wrong.
6: “incidences enabled” variable is wrong.
7: “summaries enabled” variable is wrong.
8: “send incidences” variable is wrong.
9: “send summaries” variable is wrong.
10: “send real time information” variable is wrong.
11: “num output actuators” variable is wrong.
12: “distance” variable is wrong.
13: “length” variable is wrong.
Quercus Technologies