Rotor-Gene Q MDx CE User Manual 02/2022
Ignore First
The fluorescence signal from the first few cycles in a run may not be representative of the rest of the
run. For this reason, better results may be achieved if the first few cycles are ignored. Up to 10
cycles can be ignored. However, if the first cycles look similar to subsequent cycles, better results
will be achieved by deselecting “
Ignore First
” because the normalization algorithm will have more
data to work with.
Outlier Removal
To distinguish between minor changes in fluorescence and genuine reactions in no template controls
(NTCs), 2 measures are provided:
NTC Threshold
Reaction Efficiency Threshold
. The
is recommended for most applications. The approach used should be validated.
NTC Threshold
This allows samples or NTCs that have a slight drift upwards to be excluded from
analysis. All samples with a change below the “NTC Threshold” will not be reported
and a flag “NEG (NTC)” will be shown in the “CT Comment” column.
The percentage is relative to the largest maximum change found in any tube. For
example, if one sample began at a background of 2 Fl and increased to 47 Fl, then
45 Fl represents 100%. An “NTC Threshold” of 10% would consider any sample
less than 4.5 Fl as noise.