Rotor-Gene Q MDx CE User Manual 02/2022
Rotor-Disc 72 Rotor
The Rotor-Disc 72 Rotor is dark gray in color. The Rotor-Disc 72 Rotor and Rotor-Disc 72 Locking
Ring enable use of the Rotor-Disc 72. The Rotor-Disc 72 is a disc with 72 wells for high-throughput
use. To seal the Rotor-Disc 72, a clear polymer film is applied to the top and heat sealed. The film
is quick to apply and prevents contamination by providing a strong, durable, and tamper-proof
seal. For more information on the Rotor-Disc 72, see Section 5.2.3.
Rotor-Disc 100 Rotor
The Rotor-Disc 100 Rotor is gold in color. The Rotor-Disc 100 Rotor and Rotor-Disc 100 Locking
Ring enable use of the Rotor-Disc 100. The Rotor-Disc 100 is a disc with 100 wells for high-
throughput use. The Rotor-Disc 100 is the rotary equivalent of a 96-well plate but with an additional
4 reference wells. It enables integration of the Rotor-Gene Q MDx with 96-well laboratory
workflows. The extra wells can be conveniently used for more samples, additional control reactions,
or orientation reactions, without occupying any of the standard 96-well positions. For seamless 96-
well workflow compatibility, Rotor-Disc 100 wells use 96-well plate labeling conventions, that is,
A1–A12 through to H1–H12. The additional 4 reference wells are labeled R1–R4. For more
information on the Rotor-Disc 100, see Section 5.2.3.