The SAL proper programming consists in declaring a line element (similarly to fire warning devices),
assigning it to a logical number and assigning the type and actuation variant by means of this logical
A logical number for the SAL element is selected from the 1 ÷ 250 range and assigned to an element
in order to make the SAL actuation variants dependent on different events in the control panel. Each
SAL type element may be assigned only to one logical number and vice versa. As far as the program is
concerned, a logical number for the SAL element is an approximate equivalent to a zone for fire
protection elements. The logical number connects the SAL with actuation variants.
The SAL-4001 operation results from the operation mode programmed for an element and the
piezoelectric transducer actuation variant.
The SAL-4001 entire programming procedure includes two stages:
Stage I:
SAL-4001 declaration consisting in assigning:
an element number (1 ÷ 127) using the automatic configuration or the configuration with
verification or the manual declaration procedures;
a logical number (1 ÷ 250);
an operation mode (it is factory set but may be changed - see below).
The operation mode is defined by the following element parameters (standard mode in bold print):
sound pattern –
or type2 or type3;
battery power supply monitoring (YES or
internal power supply monitoring (
or NO).
The set of parameters defining an operation mode is directly connected with a line element and is
programmed while declaring the SAL element as a line element. An operation mode may always be
changed in the program.
Stage II:
The SAL-4001 logical configuration consisting in assigning:
an output type (TYPE-1 or TYPE-3);
variant (depending on the output type);
a set of assigned zones if it is required by a given variant (from the 1 ÷ 1024 range; from own
control panel or control panels of the common detection area).
Output types and variants
See Tables 7.3 and 7.4 for the programming possibilities of the SAL elements. The "control panel
number" parameter (only for control panels operating in a network) has the following meaning:
control panel number = 0 shows the dependence on an event in any control panel included in
the common detection area;
control panel number > 0 shows the dependence on an event from a given control panel
(provided it is included in the common detection area);
control panel number ”―” allows for making actua]on dependent only on local control panel
For variants with additional zone dependencies: zone number = 0 shows the dependence on the total
number of events within all zones in a selected control panel included in the common detection area.