Transaction Log report
The transaction log report lists the transaction ID, account , pieces, postage, surcharge and total
amount charged for each transaction during the time period specified.
Account List report
The Account List report contains the accounts that have been defined in the system. The accounts
are sorted by account name, then by sub account and sub sub account.
This report also lists the code, name, status, and description (if entered) for each account.
Weight Break by Account report
The Weight Break by Account report contains a summary of the pieces and postage for each weight
break by specific account or all accounts showing the carrier/class used.
Weight Break by Carrier report
The Weight Break by Carrier report contains a summary of the pieces and postage for each weight
break by carrier and class.
Weight Break by Job ID 1 report
The Weight Break by Job ID 1 report contains a summary of the pieces and postage for each weight
break by specific Job ID 1, showing the carrier and class used.
Account Detail by Class report
The Account Detail by Class report contains a summary of the carriers, classes of mail, pieces,
postage, fee amount, surcharges and total charge for the selected account(s). This report also
contains the year to date pieces, year to date postage, year to date surcharges, and year to date total
Pitney Bowes
Operator Guide
April 2022