Creating, editing or deleting an account
You build your accounting structure by creating an account, creating a sub account and creating a sub
sub account on the mailing system.
Once you have created your account structure, you may want to change account attributes such as
the account name, code, description, status or password by editing the account on the mailing system.
If you want to remove an account and its data, you can delete the account on the mailing system.
You can create, edit or delete an account in two ways:
by selecting the
Manage Accounts
button in the Mailing tile on the Home screen, or
by selecting
on the Run Mail screen and then selecting
If users are enabled on your system, supervisor access rights are required to create, edit or
delete an account.
Creating an account
You build your accounting structure by creating an account, creating a sub account and creating a sub
sub account on the mailing system.
If users are enabled on your system, this feature is only available to users with supervisor
access rights. If you are using Business Manager accounting, this feature is available to all users.
Follow these steps to create an account:
1. Select
Manage Accounts
under Mailing on the Home screen.
2. Select
Create new account
3. If there are existing accounts on the system, you get prompted to create a new account or add a
sub account. Select
Create new account
4. Select the
Account name
field. Enter the account name, and then select
Pitney Bowes
Operator Guide
April 2022