Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Deko1000 & Deko550 Technical Reference And Service Guide
When the “Start Full Test” button is clicked, the automatic testing sequence for the channel
(i.e., board) selected in the pull down will begin. The automatic test takes about 3 minutes
to complete. An example of automatic testing in progress is shown in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4: Inflexion I/O Diagnostic automatic test in progress
If all automatic tests pass:
If automatic testing completes successfully, a dialog stating that the tests are done and all test
passed will be displayed. Click the “OK” button within the dialog. Refer to Figure 4-5.
Figure 4-5: Dialog shown when all automatic tests pass
If there is more than one TARGA card in your workstation, repeat Steps 1-4 above for each
TARGA card.
If an automatic test fails:
The automatic testing sequence will stop at the point that a test fails, and the dialog shown in
Figure 4-6 will be displayed.
Figure 4-6: Dialog shown when an automatic test fails
Details about a test that fails can be viewed by clicking the “Show Details” button on the Failed
Test dialog. If it was one of the SDI Channel tests that failed, check that the loop through cables