Chapter 5: System Maintenance
Deko1000 & Deko550 Technical Reference And Service Guide
8. Enter a name for the computer and click “Next.”
Only the characters A-Z, the numbers 0-9, and hyphens can be used. If the workstation is
connected to a network, then name given to the machine (and the description if one is given)
will appear on the network. When “Ok” is clicked, the Administrator password screen will
9. Select the Network Settings for the workstation.
The choices are “Typical Settings” and Custom Settings.” For most situations, the “Typical
Settings” selection will fulfill most needs. Contact your System Administration if you’re
not sure which to choose for the workstation.
10. Do not enter an Administrator password. Click “Next.”
A screen asking for the name of the workstation users will appear.
11. Select the “Workstation Computer Domain” for the workstation and click “Next.”
Contact your System Administration if you’re not sure if the workstation is to be part of a
domain. After “Next” is clicked, the software will load and the system will reboot.
12. Click “Next” on the initial screen of the Network Identification Wizard program.
The “Network Identification Wizard” program automatically launches after the system
reboots. After next is clicked a “Users Of This Computer” screen will appear.
13. Click “Next” on the “Users Of This Computer” screen.
Use the default settings. Do not type in a password for the password field.
14. Click “Finish” to complete the software restore.
The Deko1000 or Deko550 background screen will appear. The operating system has
been restored on the workstation, but will need to be configured. Refer to “Configuring A
Restored OS” below.
Configuring A Restored Deko1000 or Deko550 OS
The steps for configuring a restored Deko1000 or Deko550 OS are as follows:
1. For now, click “Cancel” to each “Found New Hardware Wizards” pop-up window.
The pop ups will occur a number of times for the workstation.
2. If necessary, change the desktop to a resolution of 1024x768 with 32-bit color.
This is done by navigating the following path:
Right click on desktop >> Properties >>Settings
tab Clicking the Settings tab will then show a window similar to that shown in Figure 5-26.