Installer manual Fleck 5800 XTR - Maintenance
94 / 126
Ref. MKT-IM-006 / E - 12.11.2019
Regeneration test
Valve used for softening
1. Check condition of brine tank and any associated equipment.
2. Check salt level in brine tank.
3. Initiate regeneration test.
Check brine draw during brine draw stage.
Check brine tank refill.
Check operation of safety brine valve, where fitted.
Check for brine draw off levels.
Check for resin loss at the drain during regeneration.
Where fitted, check for satisfactory operation of solenoid, i.e. outlet shut off during
regeneration and/or brine line shut off valve(s).
4. Test and record Total Hardness of outlet water from softener vessel(s).
Valve used for filtration
1. Initiate manual regeneration and observe flow to drain.
2. Make sure flow rate correspond to DLFC configuration.
3. Check for media loss at the drain during backwash.
4. Check to see if water runs clear at the end of the backwash cycle.
5. Observe flow fast rinse cycle and measure pressure drop thought the filter system. Pressure
drop after fast rinse should return equal or very close to pressure drop recorded after
system start-up.
6. Where fitted, check for satisfactory operation of solenoid valve(s) i.e. outlet shut off during