Click “Preset per sender >>” to open a separate window for setting preset positions for alarms.
[Image compression rate upon alarm detection]
Click “Image compression rate upon alarm detection >>” to display the setup menu that can configure the
settings relating to image quality when an alarm occurs. The setup menu will be displayed in a newly opened
window. (
[Alarm E-mail notification]
Click “E-mail server >>” to display the setup menu that can configure the settings relating to E-mail notification
when an alarm occurs. The setup menu will be displayed in a newly opened window. (
[Alarm image FTP transmission]
Click “FTP >>” to display the setup menu that can configure the settings relating to FTP transmission when an
alarm occurs. The setup menu will be displayed in a newly opened window. (
[Panasonic alarm protocol]
Click “Panasonic alarm protocol notification >>” to display the setup menu that can configure the settings
relating to transmitting Panasonic alarm protocol notifications when an alarm occurs. The setup menu will be
displayed in a newly opened window. (
[HTTP alarm notification]
Click “HTTP alarm notification >>” to display the setup menu that can configure the settings relating to
transmitting HTTP alarm notifications when an alarm occurs. The setup menu will be displayed in a newly
opened window. (
10.2.1 Configure the settings relating to Preset per sender (“Preset
per sender” setup menu)
On the [Alarm] tab of the “Alarm” page (
page 101), click “Preset per sender” for “Command alarm”.
The sender’s address for the command alarm, and the preset position for that address can be registered in
this section.
[Sender's address 1] - [Sender's address 8]
Set the sender’s IP address for the command alarm, and the preset position for that address. Up to 8 notification
addresses can be set.
[Auto track cooperation] checkbox:
When the checkbox is selected, auto tracking starts after the direction
of the camera moves to the preset position.
Operating Instructions
10 Configure the alarm settings [Alarm]