FTP Port Number
Specify the FTP port number to be used.
The following port numbers and the port numbers
used for the HTTP port and for the site alarm setting
are unavailable for the FTP port number.
20, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 79, 80, 105, 110, 123,
161, 162, 546, 547, 995, 10001, 10002, 10003,
10004, 10005, 10006, 10007
Port Setup
Perform the settings for the following items for each
Select "ON" or "OFF" to determine whether or not to use
the DHCP server. Select "ON" to obtain an IP address,
a subnet mask and a gateway from the DHCP server.
Set to "OFF" when entering the addresses above manu-
Uses the DHCP server.
Does not use the DHCP server.
[IP Address]
When "OFF" is selected for "DHCP", enter an IP
address according to the network configuration. For this
unit, enter 4 units from the decimal numbers (0-255).
[Subnet Mask]
Enter a subnet mask according to the network configu-
ration when "OFF" is selected for "DHCP".
Enter the IP address of the gateway according to the
network environment when "OFF" is selected for
[Line Speed]
The following are available for "Line Speed".
Line speed will be applied automatically.
10 Mbps semi duplex
10 Mbps full duplex
100 Mbps semi duplex
100 Mbps full duplex
When the setup menu is closed after changing the
line speed, the unit will automatically restart.
A different subnet should be set for each port.
DNS Setup
Select "MANUAL" or "AUTO" to enable IP address
searching by the host name using the DNS. Select
"OFF" when not using the DNS.
Selecting "AUTO" is available only when "ON" is select-
ed for "DHCP" (using the DHCP server).
Selecting "MANUAL" is available regardless of the set-
ting for "DHCP" (with or without using the DHCP serv-
When "MANUAL" is selected for the DNS, enter the
DNS server addresses in "Primary" and "Secondary".
Enter 4 units from the decimal numbers (0-254).
Domain Name
Enter the domain name of this unit.Enter up to 255
alphanumeric characters including hyphens (-) and peri-
ods (.).
The first character of the domain name should be an
alphabetical character.