Redirect A packet switching function that routes a call to an alternative network
address if the link to the original address is not working. It is carried out by end point
Recommended Monthly Volume The maximum number of pages for which the
machine is recommended for use with each one month period, as rated by the
Redirector A LAN device driver that translates operating system requests into network
events and transmits them to the right protocol stack.
Redundancy Otherwise known as fault-tolerance, in data transmission, this refers
to characters and bits that can be removed from a transmission without affecting the
message. In data processing and data communications, it means providing backup
for components: should one of them fail, the system continues to run without operation.
Total redundancy is usually impractical, but financial institutions and other
organizations with mission-critical applications attempt to install a high level of
redundancy on the basis that downtime loses money, lives, depending on the
Repeater A device that extends the maximum length of cable that can be used in a
single network. In fiber networks, it is an optoelectrical module that receives an optical
signal and converts it into an electrical form.
Resolution Indicates the maximum addressable resolution, expressed in dots per
inch (dpi) horizontally and vertically, that a printer is capable of producing. In general,
the higher a printers resolution, the better the quality of the output. In addition, some
printers utilize resolution enhancement technologies such as HPs RET, that allows
there output to appear as if it were higher resolution than it actually is, by minimizing
jagged edges, smoothing diagonal lines and curves. This is accomplished via
modulation of the laser diode to alter the position and/or size of the dot or pixel.
Higher resolutions such as 600 or 1200 dpi is considered good enough to be an
alternative to typesetting for some users.
Resolution Enhancement A generic term that refers to a technology employed by
laser printers and some ink-jet printers that is designed to improve the appearance
of output. Although resolution enhancement techniques vary most work by modulating
the laser to alter the position and/or size of the dots (pixels) printed.