OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) The maker of equipment marketed by
another vendor, usually under the name of the reseller. The OEM may make only
certain components or complete devices, which can then be configured with software
and/or hardware by the reseller.
Off-line Something not presently active or available for access in a system.
OLE, OLE2 (Object Linking and Embedding) A Microsoft specification for
implementing object-oriented software developments. An improved form of DDE, it
adopts a layered approach and allows a file or program to be embedded as an
object in another file. OLE2 (the most recent version) and ODBC drivers altered
without affecting core software. Software applications from different vendors to be
accessed seamlessly. More and more organizations are adopting this set-up.
On-line Something active or available for access in a system.
Optical disc A direct access storage device that is written and read by laser light.
Certain optical discs are considered Write Once Read Many, or WORM, because
data is permanently engraved in the discs surface either by gouging pits (ablation),
or by causing the non-image area to bubble, reflecting light away from the reading
head. Erasable optical drives use technologies such as the magneto-optic technique,
which electrically alters the bias of grains of material after they have been heated by
the laser.
Optical Storage The means of storing or archiving data on optical discs such as
CDs or laser discs.
Output Device Any device by which a computer transforms its information to the
outside world. In general, you can think of an output device as a machine that
translates machine readable information into human readable information. Examples:
Printers, Video screens.
Out-of-Band signaling An extra signal transmitted alongside the information signal
to monitor and control the transmission. It uses a separate channel of the LAN and
allows network management devices to access LAN devices even when the LAN
itself is not functioning, so providing an additional layer of resilience.