of Terms
Protocol converter A device that translates between two protocols to facilitate
communications between different computers or different systems.
Qbit (Qualifier bit) In X.25 networks, bit 8 in an octet of packet header. It is used to
indicate if a packet contains control information.
Queue A stream of tasks or data waiting in line to be executed. Such as print jobs
in waiting to be printed.
RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive or Independent Discs) A storage device
that uses several magnetic discs or optical discs working in tandem to increase
bandwidth output and to provide redundant backup.
RAM (Random Access Memory) Memory whose contents you can alter and that
vanishes when power is removed, as opposed to ROM.
Raster A raster is a resolution dependent computer file usually a scan, but perhaps
a file from a paint program. The term is sometimes used synonymously with bitmap,
although raster really has a broader meaning. A raster is an electronic file which
describes points mathematically on a grid. The finer the grid, the higher the spatial
resolution and the larger the file size. A raster could describe files of varying tonal
resolution (i.e. bit depth). Raster files stand in contrast to vector files which use
mathematical formulas to describe lines, curves and tints.
RS standards Laid down by the EIA, RS232C approximates to V.24/28; RS422 to
V.11; RS423 to V.10 and RS449 to V.36.
RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) The TCP/IP protocol a diskless
machine uses at startup to find its IP address.