Cluster A group of terminals or workstations on the same system.
CMOT (CMIP/CMIS over TCP) The use of SO CMIP/CMIS network management
protocols to manage gateways in a TCP/IP Internet. CMOT is a co-recommended
standard with SNMP.
Co-axial cable A cable comprising a central wire surrounded by a second tubular
screening of fine wire. Associated with IBM for linking terminals and other devices
needing high-speed links, coax is used in Ethernet. It is difficult to add or remove
devices from a coaxial LAN as the cable is unwieldy and thick so is being superseded
by UTP.
Collate In binding, the gathering of sheets in the proper order.
Collision The result of two devices on a shared transmission medium, like Ethernet,
transmitting simultaneously. Data is corrupted and both devices must retry their
transmissions. A delay mechanism used by both senders drastically reduces the
chances of another collision.
Communications Manager An individual often underpaid and invariably overworked,
dedicated to providing cost effective, ultimately flexible networking to users.
Compatibility Indicates the types of Network Operating Systems, computers and
workstations the printer is compatible with or supports.
Compression A software of hardware process that shrinks images so they occupy
less storage space, and can be transmitted faster and easier. Usually accomplished
by removing the bits that are blank spaces and other redundant data, and replacing
them with a smaller algorithm that represents the removed bits.
Concentrator A central chassis into which various modules, such as bridging,
supervisory, 10BaseT and other peripheral cards are plugged.
Connection-oriented service The transport of packets of information from one
network node to a destination node following an established network connection.