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LMX Series Power Source Operation Manual
Page 87 of 463
Parallel System Bus Connection
For both units to operate correctly, the system bus connections between the master and
auxiliary units MUST be made. This is done by daisy chaining the master to the first auxiliary
and that auxiliary to the next one.
The system interface connectors are located on the left hand side of the rear panel and
marked as follows:
On the MASTER unit, this connector is NOT CONNECTED. This causes the
unit to become a master for other parallel units at power on. On an AUX
unit, this connector is connected to a MASTER unit or an AUX unit that
precedes this unit in the parallel chain.,
On the MASTER unit, this connector is connected to the first AUX unit. On
the last AUX unit in the parallel chain, this connector is NOT CONNECTED
signifying the end of the parallel chain.
The system bus uses a DVI-I Dual Link Male to Male interconnect cable with noise
suppression ferrite beads. Cable length for paralleling units that are stacked in a 19” cabinet
with no more than 1U space between units is 2 foot (0.6 m). Use of longer cables than 4
foot /1.2 m is not recommended. An example of the interconnect between one MASTER and
one AUX is shown in the figure below.
Any unused Parallel bus connector must be covered by the included safety covers.