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LMX Series Power Source Operation Manual
Page 96 of 463
Direct Data Entry - Presets
Values for Frequency, Voltage, Current, Phase and Power can be entered directly using the
numeric keypad. Position the flashing cursor on the field for which you want to enter a new
setting value. Once a field is selected, press the first key of the value you want.
As soon as you enter the first digit, the soft keys will display commonly used values for the
parameter you are changing. For example, if you are on the Frequency fields, presets for 50
Hz, 60 Hz, 400 Hz, 800Hz and 1200Hz will appear.
If you are on the Voltage AC field, voltage presets for single phase (on single phase LMX
models) or LN and LL voltage preset soft keys will appear. A Low Voltage Range selection will
be offered as well allowing you to lock in the virtual low range, which limits AC voltage entry
to no more than 150 Vac. This is illustrated on the image below.
Direct Data
Entry preset
soft keys
Direct Data
Entry in