SECTION 3: Product Overview
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LMX Series Power Source Operation Manual
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Programmable electronic power source.
AC output mode
Single or Three / Split phase output models available.
Fully remote control of all settings and metering read back.
Over voltage, over current and over power protection.
External voltage sense.
Auxiliary I/O – Analog and Digital.
Digital Interfaces for Remote Control
Controller Description
The LMX Series® power supplies use an advanced command processor that communicates
with the internal power stages using internal communication buses and with the outside
world through a variety of interfaces. One of these interfaces is the front panel keyboard
and LCD display, which supports manual operation of the AC power source.
The command processor handles all user inputs as well as any analog or digital input
provided to the unit. All power stages are operated autonomously and take input from the
main command processor. For larger power configurations consisting for multiple chassis,
the master unit command processor communicates to all chassis that are connected on the
master/auxiliary interconnect bus.
Measurement Read-back
The voltage, frequency and current limit settings of the AC power source can be set from
the front panel or over any of the available digital remote control interfaces. During
operation, the AC source output voltage, frequency, current and power can be read back for
each of the available output phases.
Accessories Included (Ship Kit)
The following accessories are included with each LMX Series® AC power source. If one or
more of these is missing upon incoming inspection of the product, please contact Pacific
Power Source customer service.
Operation Manual in PDF Format
Available from PPS website
P20 Loop-back Plug
1 per unit
Certificate of Conformance
Table 3-1: Included Accessories