SECTION 7: Auxiliary I/O
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LMX Series Power Source Operation Manual
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condition to enable the output. If the output is enabled and the remote inhibit
connection is open, a fault is generated. This mode is recommended for interlock
safety applications such safety cages and test fixture interlocks.
SYSTem:DIO:REMote:INHibit 0 | 1
Remote Enable mode
: The output can be enabled by shorting these two pins,
regardless of the output enable command/button. It is a sufficient condition to
enable the output.
SYSTem:DIO:REMote:ENAble 0 | 1
Transient Trigger Input
The external trigger input can be programmed to trigger the start of a transient program.
This allows the power source output sequence to be initialized by an external sync signal.
In order to use the trigger input, the mode has to be active (from any of the graphical
interfaces or using the SCPI command PROGram:TRANsient:TRIGger:INput), and the
transient program has to be executed first. The transient will wait and start execution when
a rising edge is detected on this digital input.
The graphical interfaces (front panel and webpage) will show the state “Running” but with a
progress of 0% until the transient program is actually started.
The following specifications apply to the external trigger input:
Input Voltage
Logic Low Vin < 0.4 V
Log High Vin > 2.0 V
10 k
Edge Triggered
Rising edge