2.2.5 Further Processing the RAW/HD Material
Workflow for RAW
RAW data can be output directly to a capture station through a "WEISSCAM Debayerbox DBB-2"
via HD-SDI. The RAW stream is converted to an HD stream (YCbCr 4:2:2) live and without delay.
The material can then be further processed as usual.
The RAW material recorded on the WEISSCAM DigiMag can be transferred to a PC system via
IT interface. (FireWire or Fibre Channel). The takes are displayed in folders, the individual frames
in files.
The following options exist for opening the RAW files, debayering them and converting them into
a desired format:
Using the WEISSCAM software: RAW files (*.wcr) can be opened, debayered and converted
into various formats using batch rendering.
IMPORTANT: At the moment only RAW files created by WEISSCAMware can be badge-ren-
dered, no RAW files copied from DigiMag DM-2 (*.fhgWD). This is planned for the next update.
Using software products from IRIDAS.
Framecycler Pro:
Full-quality RAW playback for mobile use,
Quality control incl. waveform and histogram
Primary grading tools to check levels (gamma, gain, offset for preview purposes)
Speedgrade XR and DI:
Full-quality real-time RAW for dailies and for final grading
Quality control incl. waveform and histogram
Batch rendering
Full-blown grading feature set incl. effects such as Bleach Bypass, Technicolor 2-Strip,