Operating instructions for Pool control-40.net filter control unit
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A control file "ISTWERTE.HTM" containing the following:
Water temperature: $$0100 °C
Solar temperature: $$0101 °C
Air temperature: $$0102 °C
would, on opening "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/istwerte.htm", return the following text for example:
Water temperature: 24.3 °C
Solar temperature: 36.8 °C
Air temperature: 22.4 °C
These control files can also be used selectively to read specific datapoints, e.g. "WTEMP.HTM" containing the
In order to make changes to data in the control unit from the building automation system, the building
automation system must emulate sending an HTML form. This is done by a URL invocation in the form
"http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/modify?nnnn=data", where nnnn is the number of the variable to be changed, and data
represents the data to be stored.
Before the building automation system can change any variables, it must first log in by sending a valid PIN
number to the variable 0003:
"http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/modify?0003=dddd", where dddd is the user PIN configured in the unit.
Variables can be set after successful login, e.g. set the required temperature to 28.3°C:
Afterwards, the building automation system should log out by writing to the variable 0003 again with any invalid
A similar invocation sequence can be used, for instance, to toggle manual mode:
Log in
Toggle manual mode
Log out