9. If you intend to steam for more than 40 minutes, top up
the reservoir every 20 minutes or so, or when the water
level sinks to about half.
a) Use boiling water
b) Pour it slowly into the reservoir via the base unit han-
c) Keep an eye on the water level indicator - don't let it
get above max
d) Pour slowly to avoid splashing
Filling the baskets
10. Put the juice tray on top of the reservoir, then for
1 basket) fit the bottom basket (the smallest) on top of
the juice tray, then put food into the basket
2 baskets) put the second basket on top of the bottom
basket, so the rim on its underside fits inside
the wall of the bottom basket, then fill it
3 baskets) put the third basket (the biggest) on top of
the second basket, so the rim on its under-
side fits inside the wall of the second basket,
and fill it
11. To allow the steam to circulate:
a) Pack food loosely in the baskets
b) Whenever possible, use single layers of food
c) Leave spaces between the pieces
d) When layering food in a basket, leave spaces
between the pieces in each layer
12. For uniform cooking:
a) Try to cut all pieces of food in a basket to roughly the
same size
b) Put larger pieces, or food with long cooking times,
nearest the reservoir
c) Put smaller pieces, or food with short cooking times,
furthest from the reservoir
d) Don't worry too much about overcooking - steaming is
a relatively gentle cooking method and a few minutes
extra generally won't matter
e) Don't overcook fish — it'll chew like rubber and taste
like cardboard NB Juices from the upper basket(s)
will drip into the basket(s) below. Don't put delicate
flavours below strong flavours, or vegetables beneath
greasy foods.
13. Put the lid on top, so that its rim fits outside the wall of
the topmost basket.
14. Plug the base unit into the power socket, switch the
socket on, if switchable, and turn the timer to the
required lime (up to 60 minutes).
15. The Power-on light at the bottom of the water level indi-
cator will come on and will remain on until the timer
returns to 0.
16. When the timer returns to 0, steaming has finished, the
steamer will switch itself off, and the Power-on light will
gc off. The timer is clockwork, not electronic, so it may
tick for a bit after steaming has finished.
Press in
Basket base
max mark
Empty out
Water level indicator
Base unit
Power-on light
Juice Tray
Steam tube
Top up