You can check errors by pressing error key on front panel.
+0,"No error"
There is no error.
-10, "Invalid the DAC parameter"
If setting value is out of range that can be represented by DAC, represented value will be different
with actual setting value. In that case, remove load immediately.
This problem may occur if your electronic load isn't calibrated well.
Refer to "4. CALIBRATION"
-200, "System interface error"
SCPI Module is not operating.
-201, "ADC operating failed"
ADC Part's circuit is not operating.
-202, "Front panel operating failed"
Front panel is not operating.
-255, "Error not define"
Error occured but not defined.
Refer to "4-6. REMOTE INTERFACE Calibration(for GPIB)" for further information.
-20, "Ignored min run under volt"
When operate MAX or VALUE before operating volatge MiN value.
Procedure : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
-21, "Ignored min save under volt"
When operate MAX before operating voltage MIN value.
Procedure : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
-22, "Invalid min value use under volt"
When operate Min value again instead of MAX after operating voltage MIN value.
Procedure : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
7-1. Operating Error
- 100 -
7. Error Messages
7-3. Remote Calibration Error
7-2. Hardware Error