canceling Setup changes 4-12
Change (Administrator) Password
Administrator password 7-2, 7-5
Bindery connection 4-34
host name or DNS name B-7
Novell print server, Bindery 4-31, 4-34
used on Control Panel 4-13, 5-5
Choose File Server for editing Bindery
Clear Frame Types, IPX/SPX Setup 4-25
Clear Server command
Clear Server option 7-5
clearing the Job Log 4-50, 5-6
client setup
Fiery WebTools 6-1
network printing 2-5 to 2-6,
CMYK Simulation Profile option 4-47, 5-45
Color Charts 4-6
color server
back view showing connectors 1-10
back view with Token Ring option A-2
Control Panel 4-1
display window 4-1
maintaining and improving
network installation summary 1-3
power switch 1-10
Color Setup 4-46, 5-44
Color Setup option 7-13
Command WorkStation xi
problems connecting to color server B-9
Setup from 5-2
Configuration page
printing 5-49, 7-10
printing from the Control Panel 4-6
troubleshooting connection
Configure button, Fiery WebTools 6-2
configuring color server
from Control Panel 4-17 to 4-50
from Windows computer 5-1 to 5-48
preparing for 3-9
configuring network clients
configuring network servers
NetWare 2-9, 2-10
UNIX 2-19
Windows NT 2-3
copier interface cable 3-9
network cable 1-10
to a Bindery file server 4-32, 4-33
to multiple Bindery file servers 4-31
Token Ring cable A-2