Océ 760C Control Panel
Resume Printing
Resume communication between the copier and the Océ 760C after you have
finished making copies or printing other jobs.
Shut Down
Shut down all Océ 760C activity in the correct manner and then restart. Use this
option instead of the power switch on the back of the Océ 760C. The following
options are available from the submenu that appears:
Restart Server
—Restarts the server without shutting down the Océ 760C hard
Shut Down System
—Shuts down the Océ 760C hard disk.
Reboot System
—Restarts the system after shutting down the Océ 760C hard disk.
Clear Server
Clear all jobs in all server queues, as well as all jobs archived on the Océ 760C hard
disk, the index of archived jobs (in the Archive window), all FreeForm masters, and
the index of FreeForm masters (in the FreeForm window). Check with your
administrator or operator before choosing Clear Server. If an Administrator password
has been set, you must enter it to access Clear Server.
Run Setup
Enter the Setup menu and change Setup option settings.
Run Diagnostics
This function is provided for service representatives only. For information about
running diagnostics, contact your authorized service/support technician.
Tray Alignment
Use this option to adjust the placement of text and images on the page so that
they are correctly aligned on the sheet of paper and both sides of a duplex sheet
have the exact same alignment. For more information on this function, see the
Calibrate the Océ 760C using AutoCal. For more information, see the
If an Administrator password has been set, you must enter it to access Calibration.