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C a u t i o n
"Caution" without warning symbol
indicates that the operator is not likely to be injured, but it can cause damage or
result in a malfunction to this product or your instruments.
In addition to the hazardous level classifications described above, the following notations are also used.
I m p o r t a n c e
"Importance" indicates the information and contents that must be known particularly in operations and maintenance works of
this product.
R e m a r k s
"Remarks" indicates the useful information or contents for operations and maintenance works of this product.
Warning symbol
In this manual, the following symbols are added along with the notations "danger," "Warning," "Caution," and "Importance" to
indicate the warning contents in an easy-to-understand manner.
This symbol indicates that mishandling may cause a fire.
This symbol indicates "prohibited” actions that must not be performed in the
operation and the maintenance work of this product.
This symbol indicates “mandatory” actions that must be performed in the
operation and the maintenance work of this product.
This symbol indicates that a high voltage may be applied.
Failure to confirm safety or mishandling of the product might cause a risk of
electric shock, burn, or death.
This symbol indicates that some parts have a high surface temperature and
the mishandling can cause a risk of burns.