Operation OEM6 Cards and Enclosures
Chapter 4
OEM6 Family Installation and Operation User Manual Rev 12
4.10.6 Antenna LNA Power
NovAtel antennas and coaxial cables meet receiver RF input gain requirements. NovAtel antennas are
equipped with built-in LNAs that provide 26 dB of gain to the satellite signal received. The power to the
antenna LNA is provided through the receiver’s RF port center conductor. To achieve the required input gain
to the receiver, NovAtel coaxial cables are designed to introduce no more than 10 dB loss. Antenna supply
over current protection limits the LNA power.
4.10.7 Ethernet
OEM638, OEM628 and FlexPak6 receivers are equipped with a 10/100baseT Ethernet port that supports
IPv4 Internet layer, TCP/IP transport and telnet. Users can conduct remote debugging, accept MRTCA
(modified RTCA) data and download firmware. OEM6 family receivers are also equipped with NTRIP Version
2.0 (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) client and server capability.
Chapter 6, Ethernet Configuration
on page 86 for instructions on configuring Ethernet and NTRIP.
OEM615 and OEM617D p5 VDC ±5% at a maximum of 100 mA.
The amount of current the receiver can provide to the antenna depends upon the input voltage
provided to pin 1 on the P1101 connector according to the de-rating curve:
Iout < 0.1W/ (Vin - 5V) where Vin is 6 V to 12 V
OEM617 pr5 VDC ±5% at a maximum of 200 mA.
The amount of current the receiver can provide to the antenna depends upon the input voltage
provided to pin 1 on the P1101 connector according to the de-rating curve:
Iout < 0.2W/ (Vin - 5V) where Vin is 6 V to 12 V
OEM628 provides selectable 3.3 V or +5 VDC ±5% at a maximum of 100 mA
OEM638 provides selectable 3.3 V or +5 VDC ±5% at a maximum of 200 mA. The OEM638 also
includes an external LNA supply pin that can accept up to 6-18 VDC
For the OEM638 receiver, it is possible to supply power to the LNA of an active antenna either
from the antenna port of the receiver itself or from an external source. Use the
command to enable (default) or disable electrical power from the internal
power source of the receiver to the LNA of an active antenna. Refer to the
(OM-20000129) for command details.
The OEM628 and OEM638 do not have Ethernet magnetics or RJ45 connector. If using the
OEM6 Ethernet connectivity, the distance between the RJ45 connector and the magnetics must
be no more than 10 inches (25.4 cm), and the distance between the device and the magnetics
must be no more than 1.5 inches (3.8 cm).
Ethernet is not available on the OEM615, OEM617, OEM617D and FlexPak6D.