KanguruFCRW Quick Start Guide 1
1. Turn on the power
Press the Power Button LCD displays CDDA LED will turn Green
2. Insert a disc
Press the Open Button Insert a disk Close the lid
3. Insert a flash memory card
Insert the flash card LCD will display card info.
*Insert 1 card at a time.
4. Start the Copy
Press the Record button. LED will turn Red LCD will display %
5. Copy
A short beep will indicate the completion.
*For detailed instructions, please refer to the manual
located on the mini Kanguru Drivers and Manuals CD
included in this package.
Tech Support:
If you experience any problems using your KanguruFCRW or
have any technical questions regarding any of our products,
please call our tech support department. Our tech support is
free and available Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm EST.
Call 1-508-376-4245 or
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