NV-600WI Managed Industrial Grade Wireless VDSL2 Router USER’S MANUAL Ver. A2
The screen contains the following details:
Fields in WAN Mode Setting:
Failover Support
Select this checkbox to enable Dual WAN support.
Primary WAN Selection
Physical WAN Type
Choose the WAN type from the drop down list. For multi-WAN mode supported CPE
image the dropdown will present following options - ADSL2+, VDSL2, xDSL (Auto), WAN
Ethernet over MII-0, WAN Ethernet over MII-1, 3G WAN and LTE WAN.
TC (Transmission Convergence) Selection
TC Type
Choose the Transmission Convergence from the drop down list - 1). ATM-TC or
2).PTM-TC or 3). Auto. This field is displayed, only if ADSL2+ or xDSL is chosen as the
WAN type.
Negotiated WAN Mode
WAN Type
Show WAN type status
TC Type
Show TC type status
Click Apply at any time during configuration to save the information that you have entered.
Click Cancel to exit from this page without saving the changes.